Take the Train – Blog #3

I took a mostly empty train to visit family recently and was given some time to reflect on my current musical projects and all the projects I’ve shelfed for now due to lack of time and resources. Initially, I was a touch frustrated with the list of items I haven’t been able to get to. I have a lovely family and day job still, so it is literally impossible to keep every iron hot. I think this feeling is common for a lot of driven musicians, entrepreneurs, and prolific folks like myself. I asked myself the question, “Will I ever get to these items?” Some of these items were partially complete recordings or keeping up a quicker pace with the podcast, not lofty or fringe items.

            Back to the train… happy to be riding in a peaceful car with WIFI and plenty of leg room, I thought,  “this is such a luxury that is completely under-utilized.” I walked up to the dining car, got a breakfast sandwich and a drink with only one other person in line. After the ride, I couldn’t help but imagine that train rides might be the next big travel move in the US. I think folks are a little more ready to sit back and enjoy the journey. More precisely, it isn’t about the amount of time used but how the time is used.  Not only was I comfortable, I had three hours to reflect, work, send emails, walk around. At that moment the journey was my destination and in that mode of reflection, I had some time to reframe my outlook on my musical endeavors.

            I cleared my list down to my two most impactful projects for myself and the public because my mission is to put out good music. One of these projects is not necessarily an SDS project, but it has found me working as an executive producer on an album for a friend (I will spill the beans on this in a few weeks). I have worked in this capacity on several albums, but this album is coming out on a “big” indie-label. I’m learning a lot! Simply, I’m enjoying myself. I also believe in this album and want as many people to hear it as possible, and I’m confident my contributions will help the artist and label team reach that end goal. The second project is the continued support of the August 27th release of Jake Retting’s 2nd single! I love Jake’s music and have seen how his songs touch listeners. Neither of these projects have me behind the guitar or behind the board at this moment, but that’s ok. This is where I’m at in my musical journey and I’ve decided to soak it in, learn, and apply my new knowledge to future projects and my life in general. 

            In case you didn’t pick it up, here is my advice for those musicians out there who have received their checklists. You know, the release checklists, the premier checklists, the promo checklists, your own checklists. I implore you to do two things. First, take some items off the list(s), and make sure you are focused on what makes you authentic and forget the rest for a moment. Second, don’t worry too much; ideas and projects get derailed. I used to get frustrated when bands ended or recordings didn’t happen, but those things have led me here. It might have taken a little bit longer, but I’ve had a great time, and I’ve decided I’m more interested in keeping that going!


Achieving success in the music business

I think it safe to say, as young musicians, we all had dreams of limo’s, nice hotels, and fancy things, but success along those lines is frankly unlikely and a bit shallow. That being said, I have seen a multitude of success stories in the music business and the point of this blog is to help musicians define success. First, if you’ve had the fortune of performing or having someone perform or play your music for an audience, you’ve had success. The point of any art is to be appreciated and interacted with. Too often in the art industry we skip this basic phenomenon of people encountering our art. I would suggest this facet should always be on top of a musicians thoughts when they are engaging the public. Second, if your musical endeavors pay for themselves, you’ve reached a level of success most people never do and never will. At this point it is probably a little more than a hobby, and I’m guessing you may have some grassroots following. Be thankful, the market is saying they value your contribution and hope you will continue to create. Lastly, your musical endeavors may actually pay your “real” bills. This could mean earning the U.S. median income of 31k or much more. A lot of people in Hampton Roads have accomplished this via gigging with multiple bands and giving lessons. A few have actually done this with their own original music. I applaud both of those two groups! As a musician reflects on the trajectory of their creations, they should know that finishing the song is the first stage of success. I try to define what success means for each project or song I start before beginning. This helps build a good release plan and alleviates a lot of frustration; however, my most important criteria is enjoying what I’m working on. If you’re not having fun, figure out what it is you enjoy and pursue that. That is how you’ll be authentic and ultimately successful in the music business. -Travis-